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       from a dream to reality...       

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Compass North mental health clinic opened up in 2019 with a focus on providing the highest quality of services to all clients. At Compass North we believe that every person has a unique story and requires their own personalized care plan. Compass North is dedicated to providing best practice standards by ensuring that all services are client centered and aim to meet the specific needs of every individual. ​
In 2022 Compass North Essentials was born. Compass North Essentials is taking a step toward providing hope and healing to the larger society. All products of Compass North Essentials were hand selected by our Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional with a focus on providing holistic individualized care to each and every customer. All Compass North Essential products are comprised of high-quality, all natural, and healthy ingredients and are prepared by hand at the mental health clinic. All proceeds from Compass North Essentials go directly toward mental health and sobriety programming and outreach.

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